Monorail aluminum sliding doors

Sliding and lift-and-slide systems.

Ultraglide Monorail drzwi przesuwne

System with increased thermal insulation.

  • Frame depth: 176 mm
  • Leaf depth: 67 mm
  • Glass thickness: leaf 14 mm – 52 mm

A characteristic feature of the system is the presence of at least one fixed element (glazing) in the construction. The special construction of the frame allows for an increased passage of light for the fixed element.

System capabilities:

  • maximum leaf weight: 400 kg, one-leaf frame


Sliding doors

Ultraglide Monorail

Sliding doors

Modernslide okna przesuwane


Sliding doors

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Visoglide plus

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Ecoslide - okna przesuwne


Sliding doors

Slide plus - okna przesuwne aluminiowe

Slide plus

Sliding doors


Folding doors

Contact Us:

Pro-Fil M. Szczerbiński
ul. Krakowska 24
32-851 Jadowniki
kom.: +48 14 66 34 880

Sliding aluminium doors, manufacturer of aluminium joinery